Dear Friend,
You are important to me.
Dear Friend,
I love you.
Even when I forget how to show it. Even when I tell you that I hate you. Even when you get on my nerves.
I love you.
Dear Friend,
I more than want you in my life,
I need you.
People don’t just walk into our lives without reason. And I know that you’re here to make mine better.
I need you.
Dear Friend,
Thank you.
Thank you for holding my hand, even if you didn’t think you could. Thank you for hugging me on my lowest days and praising me on my highest. Thank you for giving me the strength to do the things that I don’t believe I can.
Thank you.
Dear Friend,
Not everyone is so fortunate as to have you in their life. So, when I count my blessings, I make sure to count you twice.
Dear Friend,
I have been thinking a lot about how lucky I am to walk alongside you in this life. I know that sometimes I can be a bit much and that I can make you uncomfortable with how open I am about how much I love and miss everyone. I know I am not the easiest person to be around sometimes. But thank you for always letting me be myself, and for always letting me be around anyway.
Sometimes I think about what I would do without you, how I’d survive. And I think about what I’d want you to know, have I told you?
You are my friend and you are in my life for a reason, and you play a big part. I text bomb you and I say stupid and annoying stuff at odd hours of the night that don't always make sense. And sometimes I say too much stuff and sometimes I just don’t stop talking. But I enjoy being around you because you are you. And I want and I need you in my life.
I hope you feel the same.
I am happy to have someone like you who always laughs with me, even if we’re laughing at ourselves. I am happy to have someone like you.
You are important to me,
Dear Friend.