I hope you can see yourself one day how the rest of us see you. I hope you say yes to late-night adventures. I hope you find the person who makes your soul dance. I hope you stay up late. I hope you embrace the feeling of warm sun beating on your face. I hope you tell them how you feel. I hope you hug your friends tighter, tell your parents you love them and let go of things not meant for you. I hope you turn your phone off, take a walk, hunt for sunsets, and then wait for stars. I hope you take the long way home, with the windows down and your favorite song blasting. I hope you don't always think twice. I hope you smile and laugh and cry and sing and dance. I hope you play in the rain. I hope you make the most of life and embrace the moments that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I hope you hold on to the people that feel like home. I hope you find peace.
I hope that when you're 80, you look back and regret nothing. I hope that when you look back you smile and laugh at all those times you thought your world was ending.
So before getting upset over the little things today, ask yourself how much that will matter decades down the road.
Love this!!!