I always thought it was unfair that the people could just come and go as they please. I never would have dreamed that a time would come where they would all be trapped inside with me for so long. Had I thought this possible before, I would have loved the idea. But I may have changed my mind, I need my personal time and space. They are here all the time (I don’t even know why), so I never get to nap for fear of missing out. They are also quite loud.
At least now they understand why I get so excited when I want to go for a walk, I never get to leave this house! My mom and sister have been walking every day. At first, I was super excited that they were taking so many walks and that I could go with them. But in the end, the distance was far too much for my little legs! I was in pain, and I could not communicate it very well with my humans. But they are smart. They knew that something was not right, they suspected that I “pulled a hammy or something”-whatever that means. Unfortunately, that meant that they were going on walks without me! Which I found to be absolutely devastating and offensive by the way. But they were taking extra good care of me. They hurt my feelings, but it came from a place of love.
My sister, who apparently loves me the most, likes to call herself my favorite human (I will not comment). She sat with me, snuggled me, reminded me how much she loves me, had all her friends pray that I perk up, and cried because she did not want me to have any pain. So basically all the things she would normally do plus some extra crazy-did I mention she’s a little out there? She’s still definitely one of my top favorite humans though, and I so wish I had been able to tell her that I was OK.
My mom and dad? They’re awesome too. They let me sleep at any part of the bed I want. And they give me my own pillow and blanket, always making sure I am tucked in. My brother teases them about it, but we all know he secretly loves it. Brother is cool too; he plays outside with me whenever he is around, but he seems to be missing a lot…
I do not remember life before my humans, but my blanket feels like a different type of home. Sister tells me it comes from my first home where I was “bred” and that before I was sent home with Dad, they rubbed it all over my non-human brother to make me feel safe. I think that’s pretty cool; I came from humans that loved me and went to humans that love me even more. Sister always says she loves me the most, that I am her whole world, her everything. I believe her. She tells me I am her soulmate. I don’t’ know what that means, but somehow I know she’s mine too.
I love my humans.
