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This Is Life

She walked up the path, shaking. She stared at her feet, her worn brown boots stared back at her. She observed her striped socks and how they clashed with her polka-dotted skirt, but she didn’t care. She thought that her plain white shirt balanced it out. Her long brown hair was tied back in a messy bun. She had forgotten to apply even the slightest bit of mascara, and because it was only spring her face was not sun-kissed with freckles. She knew she was a mess. But who cared? Everything else was so much more important right now. The following moments could change everything.

She moved her gaze outward, toward the sky. She noticed the grass seemed to be getting greener, the flowers were blooming, bees buzzing. And in that moment, she could not help but smile. She paused in her tracks, breathing deeply, taking it all in.

Sometimes there are moments where you can tell nothing will ever again be quite like that. So, she took it all in. She felt true and pure bliss. And suddenly, the life-changing moment ahead did not seem so life-changing. Because this is life. Moments where the world seems to stop; when the sun smiles at you, the birds sing, and the air is crisp. How could anything change that?

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